If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s ours.

If you think you have a problem with alcohol and you would like to speak with someone please call our hotline at (805) 925-3782.

General Service Meetings

District 52 General Service Meetings
General Service Meetings are held 2nd Sun. of the month at 12pm via Zoom
Email the D.C.M for more info: aadistrict52@gmail.com

52nd District Central Office
Meets on the first Sat of every month at 10am
Zoom meeting ID 832 2760 8507 Password 12345


Santa Barbara North County Hospitals & Institutions Committee

North SB County H&I Committee Meeting
3rd Thursday of every month @ 7:00pm
Zoom ID 334 839 0221 Code 448146

Santa Maria H&I Subcommittee Meeting
2nd Thursday of every month @ 5:30 pm
Orcutt Presbyterian Church, 993 Patterson
The Ark Bldg (by the basketball hoops)

H&I District Contact: Randy R 360 515 8969
Santa Maria Contact: Jacqué J. 805 978 6945
Email: north.county.hi@gmail.com
Mailing Address: PO Box 1302, Lompoc, CA 93438